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18 Months and Better Than Ever!

We are just shy of the 18 month mark!!!

The super cute three legged spotted wiggle butt has wiggled his way into a special place in my heart. There is something about this dog that I’ve never had the pleasure of experiencing with another pupper. Obviously I absolutely adore my entire pack, they all mean the world to me. But 18 months ago I saved his life, and he spends every single second of every day making sure that I know that he’s grateful. He says it with his beautiful brown eyes, or his annoying yet endearing nose bumps, in the way he follows my every move through the house and the way he so lovingly plops on top of me every night.

It just a few short weeks it will be Domino’s 18 month ampuversary. It sounds like such a short amount of time, but I really can’t remember my pack before he joined it. He’s brought life and goofiness to our trio.

As far as his well being and tripawdness (lol) he’s doing amazing. His weight is staying steady and I’m keeping him lean, even though I’m sure he’d accept more cookies. We play fetch everyday, and try to keep it as low impact as possible, although man can he jump! We go on walks, as long as his front leg will allow. I will have to admit there have been times that I’ve been over ambitious about his stamina… but I recognized my mistake and he got carried to the car, no matter how far. We are hoping to soon meet with a Rehab Therapist and get into some more FitPaws exercises and workouts.

I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve been on here! I really hope everyone is doing well and that of your puppers, both Tripawds and quadpawds are doing amazing!

Until next time

Cassie and Domino

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Domino Playing Fetch


6 Responses so far »

  1. dobemom said,

    October 24, 2015 @ 12:24 am     Reply

    yay Cassie and Domino…its great to hear success stories such as this one. Nitro is 16 months post amp and also doing great! It’s amazing how bonded we become throughout this journey….Nitro is truly my heart dog. Here’s to continued success and happiness for you both!

    Paula and Nitro

    • Cassie said,

      October 24, 2015 @ 1:32 am     Reply

      Thank you so much, you as well! I love that expression… heart dog. Perfect way to put it 🙂
      Cassie and Domino

  2. Michelle said,

    October 24, 2015 @ 1:42 am     Reply

    Yay, I love it. I remember when you joined. I can’t believe already it has been 18 months. Amazing. <3 <3 <3. Here is to a long journey. I love this picture of Dom.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  3. linda8115 said,

    October 24, 2015 @ 3:02 pm     Reply

    Happy Happy 18 months sweet Domino! I love your word to describe him. “Tripawdness”. It makes me giggle 😀
    Linda & Max

  4. jerry said,

    October 24, 2015 @ 6:52 pm     Reply

    Wheeee! There’s our gorgeous Domino!

    I had to do a double-take because it really feels like you and Dom have been with us longer than 18 months, you are truly a part of this family and have done a lot to help other Tripawds just as you are figuring out Dom’s new path on 3 legs too. Amazing!

    Hoppy Ampuversary Domino! We can’t wait to see you get into rehab too so we can learn from you. xoxox

  5. Cassie said,

    October 24, 2015 @ 7:28 pm     Reply

    Thanks so much everyone! It’s been a journey for sure, but I wouldn’t change a thing!

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