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Update…. at 1am!?

It’s late. Domino barely came out of surgery 11 hours ago. I was sound asleep in bed when this cold nose started nuzzling against my arm. It was Dom! Finally out of his pain med haze he leaned back and cuddled with me, just before asking to go out! I was skeptical about taking him out (I had put down some towels and pee pads under him, I figured an accident was to be expected). But since I had help tonight, my mom and I opted to take him outside. I carried, she opened doors, and out to the grass we went….. WHERE DOMINO TOOK HIS FIRST TRIPAWD STEPS!!!!!! 11 hours after surgery, he took a few wobbly steps. I had tears in my eyes, and my heart melted at the cute little nub of a tail that wagged when I said his name. This was the first glance at that “OMG everything is going to be fine” stage. Our

Dom 11 hours post surgery, after his first steps

Dom 11 hours post surgery, after his first steps

trip out wasn’t super successful, he wobbled, I tried to help. But ultimately he’s very confused as to why he’s off balance and struggling to lift his leg. I think we got the job done, but in the dark at 1am its hard to tell. So now, we’re cuddled up again, blogging of all things, while we watch Pirates of the Caribbean.

1 Response so far »

  1. Linda Morrice said,

    May 14, 2014 @ 6:54 am     Reply

    Wonderful update on Domino!

    I’m so glad he has you to care for him during those first 24 hours!

    Please keep blogging about all his firsts!

    Many hugs

    Linda and Tucker

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