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Posts tagged with post op


It’s incredibly hard to believe that one month ago on May 13th that I was just bringing Domino home the evening of his surgery. It was a long sleepless night, but it was worth every second. If you told me that night that he would be where he is today I doubt I would have […]

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11 days post op!

Domino is now 11 days after surgery and doing amazing! He’s still right on track with his recovery and we’re slowly increasing his activity which he is very happy for. The video is him today finally getting in some exercise. We went outside for a couple of minutes and I tossed his rope toy once […]

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9 days

Not much to post today, but we are now 9 days post amputation. Domino is still right on course with recovery. I’m taking his staples out tonight after I get home and taking him in tomorrow for some more laser therapy. He still wants to run so bad, and my big boy Finn and him […]

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8 days!

8 days post op. Man it’s flying by! We’re at a frustrating part of recovery. Domino feels great, and thinks he can do anything!! He wants to run so bad. Yesterday when I took him out to potty we went into our fenced in yard and I let him off leash like I always do […]

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1 week!

Today marks 1 week after amputation for Domino! And the first week has gone much better than I expected. Dom had his recheck yesterday just to make sure everything was healing well. And he got a thumbs up from his vet. The only thing about the incision he didn’t like was a “dog ear” at […]

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6 days post op

Hi everyone! It has been 6 days since Domino’s amputation. Our weekend went very well. Domino is bonding with us and his new “pack” like a champ. He still wants to be by my side alot, but it seems to be getting better. His panting and nerves seem to be getting better as well. He’s […]

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First weekend

So, Domino has been home with us since Thursday night. He is now 4 days post amputation and doing amazing! He still has his bandage on due to some slight swelling on the bottom of his incision, but it should come off tomorrow. He’s still getting along great with my other two dogs. We haven’t […]

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He’s home!

Surprise, I’m impatient. Domino has been doing so well today that we decided to bring him home two days early. He will still go to work with me tomorrow for a bandage change, but tomorrow night he’s home for good! The vet decided earlier today that Domino was progressing so well and in so little […]

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Post op video!

Sorry it took so long, but here is the video from yesterday morning.

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Domino is still at the clinic and continues to do great with his recovery! The hardest part now is the waiting. We originally thought he wouldn’t come home(for good) for about 2 weeks, because he’s still intact and the doctor didn’t want to neuter him at the same time as the amputation. So he’s scheduled […]

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