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1 week!

Today marks 1 week after amputation for Domino! And the first week has gone much better than I expected. Dom had his recheck yesterday just to make sure everything was healing well. And he got a thumbs up from his vet. The only thing about the incision he didn’t like was a “dog ear” at the top of his incision, but it is solely a cosmetic issue. Towards the end of Domino’s surgery his heart rate started to drop and the vets biggest concern was to get him out of anesthesia. So closed him as quickly as possible, but this resulted in some extra skin towards the top, giving a “dog ear” appearance. Since Domino is going back for his castration on the 30th, the vet is just going to do some small plastic surgery and nip and tuck that place to make it conform to his body better. I also found a small lump on Domino’s face last Saturday, completely unrelated to his amp. The vet checked it out, and was unsure of what it was. So I’m supposed to monitor it at home, and we may consider removing it during his castration as well.

So far so good. Our first week together has flown by. Domino gets his staples out on Friday, which I’ll probably just do at home, and has another recheck next week! I’m still up in the air if I want to take him to a rehab clinic. There is one about 45 mins away from us that I’ve heard great things about, but it’s also not cheap. So I’m wondering if I can do most of his rehab at home… Until next time!

Cassie and Domino

1 Response so far »

  1. labsrus said,

    May 20, 2014 @ 4:27 pm     Reply

    Yeah for Domino! You both seem to be doing quite well. Wishing you continued success and many, many happy days.

    Super Dog Angel Hunter’s Mom

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