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8 days!

8 days post op. Man it’s flying by! We’re at a frustrating part of recovery. Domino feels great, and thinks he can do anything!! He wants to run so bad. Yesterday when I took him out to potty we went into our fenced in yard and I let him off leash like I always do (he poops quicker this way), well after he finished his business I called him to come to me from across the yard, and you’d think he’d been shot out of a gun! Boy was he fast. I leashed him right away to keep him from doing any damage. But now that he knows he can run, he wants to go back out and try it again so bad. He’s ready for it, and I know my other dogs are ready to play, but his incision and muscles aren’t ready for that much activity yet. Staples come out in two days, thank goodness! They sure are getting itchy. We’re giving Benadryl as needed to help with the itching. So other than him being frustrated it’s all going very well! We’re also hoping to make a trip to the groomer after he gets his staples out and before he gets neutered. He definitely needs a good brush out and bath. Until next time!

Cassie and Domino

1 Response so far »

  1. benny55 said,

    May 21, 2014 @ 7:03 pm     Reply

    Awwwwww Domino…you are melting hearts over here!!

    You are looking great!! Walking so well!! Good job sweet oy!

    Now don’t be runni g off and making yor momma chase you!! Plenty of time for that real soon!!

    Soooooo glad he’s adapting so wel to his new family and pack. Very nice!!


    Sally and Happy Hannah

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