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Fun day!

photo 3 photo 3 (1) photo 2 photo 2 (1) photo 1 photo 1 (1)I know this is a late post, but it’s been a busy week! This past Tuesday was Domino’s 7 week ampuversary! So, to celebrate we took a walk at the local Botanical Gardens!! Granted, it was a short walk, but it was a blast. It’s my favorite spot to walk Finn, my big guy, and I’m glad that Dom get’s to experience it too. We walked for about 10 minutes then took a 10 minute break, then another 10 minute walk and a 15 minute break. It was a fun trip. He got lots of attention from people we passed. One lady put a big grin on my face, she kept going on about how happy and well adjusted he looked. And she couldn’t believe that his surgery was just 7 weeks ago. I can’t wait for it to start cooling down so we can walk there more often!

Cassie and Domino


2 Responses so far »

  1. benny55 said,

    July 5, 2014 @ 2:33 am     Reply

    HAPPY SEVEN WEEK AMPUVERSARY DOMINO!! You really kmow how to celebrate in style! Your day sou ds g’orious….out in nature…bonding with the geese…drinking from a lovely “water bowl”…resting by a lake…..what a lucky boy!

    It’s just wonderful to see you so happy and so loved!

    I could look at your precious mig all day long! You are one very unique and handsome looking fella’!

    Great update! Keep ’em coming!!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. jerry said,

    July 6, 2014 @ 8:21 pm     Reply

    Hah, it’s never too late to pawty! Hoppy lucky number seven kiddo! You’re growing up right before our eyes, it’s a joy to watch.

    Glad to hear you had fun. Your walks sound absolutely perfect for a new Tripawd, keep it up!

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