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10 week update

Not much has changed since our previous update, but I figured I would update y’all on all things Domino!

We have about 2 weeks left in obedience class and Dom is doing great! He’s turned out to be a very quick learner and very eager to please. We are still going to work towards our goal of him becoming a certified therapy dog. Our local group requires that you own a rescue or adopted dog for at least 6 months before taking the test. We also have a couple more obedience classes to go and our CGC test!

Dom continues to amaze me daily. He gets around incredibly well and seems to be loving life. He did get his first post amp boo boo this week. It looks like he fell onto his wrist and has a decent sized scrape there, but it’s healing fine and wasn’t too bad. Domino and his big brother Finn continue to bond really well. His big sister Bounder is very unbothered by everything that’s going on and tends to relax and watch the young guys play (she is 14 and cannot be bothered by the childs play). Finn and Dom love to wrestle and play tug of war, which then sounds like a herd of elephants running through the house!

Domino also seems to be maintaining his weight very well. He was fairly skinny when I adopted him and was only about 31lbs. We now have him at a fairly steady 36-37lbs and he’s staying thin and healthy.

Much to Dom’s enjoyment, he is continuing to sleep in the bed with me at night. He stays put all night and is a great cuddler. We spend most of our nights hanging out and watching a movie before bed (101 Dalmatians and Beethoven are his favorites lol).

10 weeks sounds like such a short period of time. It feels like Domino has always been here. I can’t really remember life without him here. Hopefully life with him continues to be a blast, we make sure to live each day to the fullest and enjoy every moment.

Cassie and Domino

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2 Responses so far »

  1. jerry said,

    July 23, 2014 @ 2:36 am     Reply

    Dom and Finn, you make an ADORABLE team!

    Glad to hear your boo-boo wasn’t serious Dom. How on earth did you scrape your wrist? You nut. Take it easy ya hear?

  2. Michelle said,

    July 23, 2014 @ 2:38 am     Reply

    Way to go Dom. Snickers & Jazz passed their CGC tests and we are going to do therapy work but they have to be a year old in order to do it for one orginaztion and waiting to hear from the hospice here in town to see what their requirements are.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

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