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Good Morning!

Just a quick update after Domino’s first “official” night in the family! Everyone did great! Domino slept in his crate all night without a peep. All three of my puppers had a wonderful night. Here’s to many more to come!

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Domino playing!

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He’s home!

Surprise, I’m impatient. Domino has been doing so well today that we decided to bring him home two days early. He will still go to work with me tomorrow for a bandage change, but tomorrow night he’s home for good! The vet decided earlier today that Domino was progressing so well and in so little pain to stop his big time pain meds(tramadol) and to just keep him on the metacam, which seems to be fine. He has shown no signs of pain at all today. So we did some last minute shopping tonight (crate, elevated dish etc) and brought him home. So far he’s done great! He met my other two dogs briefly and they seem to be getting along very well. It has still been an interesting transition. Not only is Dom trying to adjust after major surgery, but he’s transitioning into a new home as well. New smells, new rules, new housemates. But bless his heart he’s taking it all in stride. I haven’t heard a whine or whimper since being home. I’m ordering his webmaster harness soon, to help assist him with car rides and such. But for now, him and my other pups are tucked in for the night. I apologize in advance for all the pictures and videos to come!!

Cassie and Domino

My two boys finally got to meet!

My two boys finally got to meet!

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Post op video!

Sorry it took so long, but here is the video from yesterday morning.

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Domino is still at the clinic and continues to do great with his recovery! The hardest part now is the waiting. We originally thought he wouldn’t come home(for good) for about 2 weeks, because he’s still intact and the doctor didn’t want to neuter him at the same time as the amputation. So he’s scheduled to be neutered in 2 weeks. But after seeing his progress we have decided to bring him home this weekend and just take him back for his neuter! So now I have to wait two long days to bring my boy home. Luckily I get to see him at work today and tomorrow. So for now the plan is to pick him up first thing Saturday morning! Thanks for all the well wishes!

Cassie and Domino

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Doing Great

So, Domino is back at the vet clinic this morning for a little R and R. He did very well last night other than being restless most of the night. This morning when it was time to go out he did great! Fine on the hardwood floors, small stairs and grass. He’s taking this whole thing like a trooper. I helped him up into the car, but once at the clinic he insisted on jumping down on his own! He greeted all of my co-workers with wags and kisses before hopping up into his kennel for some rest. So now it’s time for me to get some rest! I’m so amazed that at only about 17 hours post op he’s acting like the leg was never there to begin with. He will stay at the clinic for a while longer. I’ll probably bring him home over the weekend a bit to introduce him to his new brother and sister that have been waiting to meet him. For now, rest for us both, and high hopes for what’s to come! Thanks again for all the well wishes and thoughts, they mean so much to us!

Cassie and Domino

Domino walking like a three legged pro 17 hours post op

Domino walking like a three legged pro 17 hours post op

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4… Almost 5am Update…

Still up with Domino, got about an hour of sleep earlier. Dom woke me up a bit ago acting like he needed to go out again, and he did. I took him by myself, carried his to the yard. And according to him he didn’t need that stupid fourth leg anyway. He walked and hopped and circled and did his business. He had no problems navigating the yard on a leash, he even walked back up the driveway and up a couple of stairs!! He braved the inside floor and walked back to my bedroom without much assistance! It may seem like alot, but I feel like it only took 3 mins lol. So for now, more rest, more whining, less sleep. We’ll see what the morning brings!

Domino about 13 hours post op standing to have a drink!

Domino about 13 hours post op standing to have a drink!

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Update…. at 1am!?

It’s late. Domino barely came out of surgery 11 hours ago. I was sound asleep in bed when this cold nose started nuzzling against my arm. It was Dom! Finally out of his pain med haze he leaned back and cuddled with me, just before asking to go out! I was skeptical about taking him out (I had put down some towels and pee pads under him, I figured an accident was to be expected). But since I had help tonight, my mom and I opted to take him outside. I carried, she opened doors, and out to the grass we went….. WHERE DOMINO TOOK HIS FIRST TRIPAWD STEPS!!!!!! 11 hours after surgery, he took a few wobbly steps. I had tears in my eyes, and my heart melted at the cute little nub of a tail that wagged when I said his name. This was the first glance at that “OMG everything is going to be fine” stage. Our

Dom 11 hours post surgery, after his first steps

Dom 11 hours post surgery, after his first steps

trip out wasn’t super successful, he wobbled, I tried to help. But ultimately he’s very confused as to why he’s off balance and struggling to lift his leg. I think we got the job done, but in the dark at 1am its hard to tell. So now, we’re cuddled up again, blogging of all things, while we watch Pirates of the Caribbean.

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Post Op Update

Domino had his surgery this morning around 11am. It was a 2 1/2 hour surgery that removed his entire front left leg and shoulder blade. He woke up slowly and was very doped up on pain meds. With me being a vet tech, his doctor decided that I should bring him home for the night to monitor him. He is having some pain, but for the most part is sleeping it off. I see a long night ahead, but Im here for him. He will go back to the clinic tomorrow to continue his recovery. Provided that everything goes to plan, he will be neutered in about 2 weeks and come home for good then. He’ll be with me on and off over the next two weeks. Right now Im just going to cuddle up to him and watch some TV while he’s comfy. Thanks again for all the well wishes and encouragement. We really appreciate it!

Much love

Cassie and Domino

Domino about 6 hours post op

Domino about 6 hours post op

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Domino’s Beginning

Domino walked into the vet clinic where I work in bad shape. He was a 1 year old blue merle Australian Shepherd. And four weeks before had been hit by a truck. We examined and took radiographs, and the news wasn’t good. He had permanent nerve damage to his front left leg. His owners didn’t have the money to spend on amputation and opted to give him a few more weeks. 3 weeks later I saw his name on the appointment schedule, he was coming back, but this time to be put down. I couldn’t help but remember the beautiful face and loving personality he had. I got up the courage and talked with my manger. Without hesitation she agreed to take him into our no kill shelter and raise the money for his surgery. After only being there for a day I knew I was in love with him. He’s brave and courageous, he takes everything in stride. With the operation set for a few  weeks out, I just crossed my fingers and waited. This all happened last week. Yesterday while making our rounds at the clinic we discovered that Domino’s leg had taken a turn for the worse. His surgery had to be bumped up immediately. I decided yesterday to give Domino a forever loving home. Now I sit and wait to hear. He is having his surgery today. I feel like a nervous mother. He’s never even set foot in my home and yet I would be heartbroken if something happened. I know he is in good hands with all of my co-workers. So any thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated as he goes through this difficult time. Also, any tips on adjusting after an amputation would also be amazing. It’s a new step in a great direction for both Domino and I. Lots more posts to come of Domino and his recovery!

Domino pre surgery the day he was surrendered.

Domino pre surgery the day he was surrendered.

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